Do androids dream of electric swans?
CYGNUS is a mesmerizing kinetic light installation on the water. Twelve life-like swans light up and gather for an unexpected evening rendezvous. As their melodic voices evolve into an ethereal soundscape, the shimmering birds perform a dream-like water ballet, gracefully forming geometric patterns and spinning in pirouettes.

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The electric swan ensemble of CYGNUS aims to challenge traditional viewing habits and blures the lines between digital imagination and conventional reality. In an era increasingly shaped by AI and robotics, CYGNUS shows that we can create machines that are more than "form follows function" and that robots can create beauty, too.

CYGNUS has performed at many festivals such as: Berlin Festival of Lights, GDIF in London, Lumières en Seine in Paris, LILU Lucerne in Switzerland, Stockholm Culture Festival, Olala Austria, Festival dos Canais Portugal, Sharjah Light Festival UAE, LightsOn Romania, Frankfurt Luminale Germany, Lightwaves Salford UK.