It’s light whale watching season again! We’re happy to announce that CETUS will be part of the Sharjah Light Festival in the United Arab Emirats.
It’s light whale watching season again! We’re happy to announce that CETUS will be part of the Sharjah Light Festival in the United Arab Emirats.
The swans are going to Holland next! We’re super happy to be part of LUNA NIGHTS and let the birds roam the canals in Leeuwarden.
We’re thrilled to announce this special premiere of our new installation FREEDOM? commissioned by Leipzig Festival of Lights. Commemorating the Peaceful Revolution of ‘89 the installation is a reminder that freedom is a fragile construct and it needs dedication and movement of the people to keep it alive.
We’re invited to the Stockholm Kulturfestivalen! The Electric Swan Ensemble will be performing in the heart of Stockholm - the beautiful Kungsträdgården.
Foto by David Levene
We’re very happy to be part of this years Olala International Streetart and Circus Festival. The swans will perform in front of the beautiful medieval castle Bruck.
The swans will show their dance at Festival dos Canais in Portugal. We’re stoked to let them roam the canals for three days in the beautiful town of Aveiro.
Foto by David Levene
We’re delighted to be part of the 2024 Sharjah Light Festival in UAE. The swans show their ballet at Rafisah Dam with a magical story of the swan queen projected onto the mountains behind them. A truly fantastic sight to behold.
Something BIG is coming from the deep. CETUS is a previously unknown aquatic bioluminescent life form. It’s allegedly been spotted roaming the Manchester Docks in Salford. Whale watching season starts in December.
Fancy a swan for Halloween? The Bram Stoker Festival has invited us to Dublin! See ghostly electric swans with a newly composed music by Lux Alma at the Grand Canal.
Picture courtesy of Quays Culture Light Waves.
The Electric Swan Ensemble has been invited to European Capital of Culture 2023: Timisoara. The swans will show their dance on the Bega, every night during the festival.
Picture by Vincent Mosch.
The swans are invited to join London’s Greenwich and Docklands Festival. Come and see them each night at the Royal Docks.
CYGNUS is invited to the City of Love! The Electric Swan Ensemble will perform everyday in the Domaine National de Saint Cloud in Paris.
The swans are dancing at Potsdamer Platz for this next edition of the Berlin Festival of Lights.
Nightly swan dance at “Serenade unterm Sternenhimmel” in the beautiful town of Rathenow.
Culture Quays and the Lightwaves Festival in Salford have invited the Electric Swan Ensemble to play at the docks. Opening night with live performance of composer, vocalist and multi-media artist Anil Sebastian, who has written a brand new piece for the swans. Made possible by Submerge.me and with generous support by Goethe Institut London.
89 VOICES. Interactive light installation with focus on the role of women during the Peaceful Revolution. Only through the presence of the audience a projected text labyrinth is uncovered, inviting the audience to explore and become an active part of the installation.
The swans have been invited to swim and sing again at the Berlin Festival of Lights. Urban, yet remarkable quite and peaceful. This is the Piano-See at Potsdamer Platz, a great habitat for luminous birds.
Musical live-performance for 12 swans and 5 musicians. Commissioned by DraussenStadt Berlin, an initiative to bring great culture to the outdoors and the people of Berlin. Swan music composed by Cherilyn MacNeil and Evelyn Saylor.
Berlin Festival of Lights has commissioned CYGNUS. We’re super thrilled to be part of 10 days of mesmerizing light installations in our home town Berlin! The electric swans will dance on Piano-See at Potsdamer Platz.
Five musicians meet 12 swans. A mesmerizing journey into the triangle between music, technology and nature. With swan music composed and sung by Cherylin MacNeil and Evelyn Saylor (DEAR READER). Flute: Henrike Wassermeyer. Clarinet: Alexander Glücksmann. Harp: Sophia Warczak.
Cygnus was commissioned by LUMINALE in Frankfurt. On the opening night, the festival got cancelled due to the Corona pandemic hitting Europe. The swans cried…
Cygnus was born at LILU! 15 swans roamed the Lucerne Lake, danced and sung on the water as part of the 10 day festival in Switzerland.